Sustainability Policy

Studio THUNK is fully committed to reducing its impact on the environment and to making a positive contribution to the planet. 

As such, we are already taking the following sustainability actions at our UK premises:

  • 100% of our electricity is sourced from renewables via our energy supplier Good Energy (

  • Our web hosting is carbon neutral courtesy of Ecohosting, which uses data centres powered by renewable energy and free cooling and supports reforestation projects across the UK  (

  • We adhere to a sustainable travel policy that at all times prioritises walking, cycling and public transport above other modes of transport.

  • We follow “the waste hierarchy”:

    • Reduce;

    • Re-use or reclaim;

    • Recover (Recycle);

    • Dispose – as last resort

  • The Studio THUNK team is constantly raising its own awareness about how to do better across all the organisation's sustainability measures and implementing those changes as soon as possible

  • We seek out suppliers that share the same values and policies as ours. Where this is not evident, we raise this with them and actively encourage them to make the change.

Our aims:

Our aim is to meet the highest standards in social and environmental performance. To this end we are currently investigating a number of certification programmes with the aim of finding the right one for us that will enable us to make year-on-year gains that are verifiable and fully transparent. 

Watch this space…